Surviving Anger

There are two types of anger… ego based anger and righteous anger.  As frustrations and demonstrations mount here at home and around the globe, it’s vital that we distinguish between the two. Without such discernment, we will become victims of our own misguided behavior.

Ego based anger is about control and lack of forgiveness.  When we have an expectation or plan that does not result in the outcome we desire, feeling out of control results in anger. The thought process is as follows: “If I were in control I could have made happen what I wanted to happen.”  Likewise when we (or someone else) do something to negatively affect the outcome we seek, resentment and blame for the interference causes the resulting anger. Lack of forgiveness is the culprit.

Righteous anger, on the other hand, is not personal. It originates from an awareness that I, or another, am not acting in a way that causes growth and spiritual advancement. Perhaps the most recognizable example is Jesus striking down the tables in the Temple. Yes, he was angry. But it was not self-destructive anger, nor was it destructive of others.  It was anger born of knowing that the behavior was inconsistent with the highest good.

Why is it so important that we understand the distinction? The answer lies in the effect each has on ourselves and others.

Ego based anger feeds itself and builds accordingly. It has no purpose or end other than destruction. Righteous anger is a wake-up call. It is meant to bring one present and stimulate honest inquiry into intention, behavior and direction.

Spring and summer are coming. So is a national election. The Occupy movement, and those with less than altruistic motives who seek to capitalize on the discontent, are already talking about and planning for “Days of Rage.”  Unless we are fully conscious and aware of the distinction between egocentric anger and righteous indignation then rage, when stoked, will thrust the Nation and the world toward the annihilation of personal freedom and the implementation of rule by force… of the many by the few.

It is up to each of us to make certain we identify the source and quality of our anger and be certain it is righteous in origin and not motivated by personal feelings of inadequacy or control.

This is the most assured path toward overcoming the planned destruction of ego looming on the horizon.


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