Energy Healing for Humans and Animals

Energy Sessions
As human consciousness and science continue to evolve, it becomes more and more evident that much of existence is based upon understanding, and correctly using, energy. Nowhere is this awareness more apparent, and necessary, than in the realm of communication.

Communication, whether human to human or human to animal, is simply a matter of accessing a specific frequency which is transmitting the very information and data you are seeking. Perhaps the simplest explanation is this: If you want to listen to classical music, you are unlikely to do so on the AM frequency. But switch to FM… and there’s Beethoven!

In fact, I explore how you can apply this approach to everyday life in my book, The Questions God Will Ask: Prepping for The Final Exam.

In energy work, whether healing or psychic communication, it’s irrelevant whether its occurring human to human or human to animal. Even human to plant or water! All sentient life forms have the potential to communicate deliberately. Every organ in a sentient being, whether human, animal or plant, vibrates at its own unique frequency. For example, the brain vibrates at a different frequency than the heart. Therefore, while certain information is accessible on the “brain frequency,” other types of information are accessible only on the “heart frequency.”

The spectrum of brain or heart frequencies vary in range as between human and other sentient beings, but it is only a variation of degree, or subtlety, along the same frequency.

The energy healing and communication work that I do involves both heart and brain frequencies.

When facilitating healing, I first access my own heart frequency and then connect with the heart frequency of the recipient. It is also the case that while performing heart-focused energy healing, specific information may be simultaneously received by me through the brain frequency, which sheds light upon and clarifies the physical or emotional condition in need of alignment and/or harmony.

Think of disease or illness as 1) a frequency interruption and/or 2) dissonance, or lack of harmony between the various frequencies within the physical body, and/or 3) a misalignment, or disconnection, between the physical body and the Source of all energy transmission.

My intention is always to be a conduit to facilitate correction, harmony, and alignment.

All that is needed to effect healing or obtain information is an open heart and mind by both the Healer/Facilitator and the Recipient. Since energy is inherently available throughout the Universe, where time and distance are constructs which are irrelevant to energy transmission, healing and communication can be performed both in person and over vast physical distances.

Living in harmony with our higher selves, and all sentient beings, is the goal and joy of being alive. As an Energy Healer and Facilitator, it is my mission to help humans and animals maximize the likelihood that they can achieve that goal and experience that joy.


Scheduling Your Session

Call (254) 224-5600 or email

(Subject Line: Scheduling)


In-Person or Distance Sessions

30-minute healing session – $75

55-minute healing session – $125

45-minute animal communication – $200

60-minute Personal Energy Reading – $200


Energy/Frequency Alignment readings utilize a variety of Oracle and Angel decks.