Lockerbie: Vengeance or Compassion?

This is a tough one to weigh in on.  I’m certain its easier for those of us who did not lose a loved one on Pan Am Flight 103 to show compassion than those who did.  Or is it?

Is compassion measured by its proximity to grief or by one’s proximity to God? 

As difficult as this may be to accept, I think it’s the latter.  If “vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord” then either you believe that or you don’t.  If you do, then ultimately the fate of Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi awaits him and, absence true repentance, better him than you or me. 

And, if you want to believe that every error you’ve ever committed is forgiven upon a sincere understanding that such errors are only committed in the absence of spiritual Light, then how can you seek such forgiveness without being willing to extend it?

So, while I partially understand the expressions of outrage that would see this terrorist die in prison, or those who preferred he be executed upon conviction had that been an option, I whole-heartedly know that releasing him to die at home is a decision that emanates Light.  If such a decision was made for economic and political reasons, as some have speculated, this is not what matters.  What matters is what is in our hearts as we feel what it is we feel about compassion and forgiveness for those moving in darkness.

Let everything else about this man be handled elsewhere… by a power infinitely greater than the UK penal system.

There is a lesson here for the highest good of all concerned.

Light illuminates where vengeance obscures.

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