What We Think We Know

>This week, surgeons and immunologists from Duke University Medical School published their “discovery” in the Journal of Theoretical Biology that the appendix, long thought to be a useless organ, plays a vital role in the overall functioning and balance of the human anatomy. It seems the much discounted organ is a virtual breeding ground and manufacturing plant for the good bacteria and flora so vital for the proper functioning of our digestive systems. 
    I don’t know why we continue to think that Creator, in It’s literally infinite wisdom, somehow gets it wrong…or superfluous…rather than accepting the fact that what we do not yet know about the brilliance and complexity of All That Is results not from Creator’s negligence but rather from our own limited view… at any given point in time.
    The culprit behind this ongoing ruse we play upon ourselves is ego. Ego causes us to think we know everything, and that what we do not know, or understand, must be the fault or lack of another. I see it daily in our daughter. She’s 14, and whenever she does or does not do something, the fault always lies with something or someone else outside of herself. If she is rushing too fast and drops a dish and breaks it, the reason is “The stupid dish dropped” rather than “I dropped the dish.” Or if asked a question for which she does not know the answer, the reply is “You didn’t ask me the right question” rather than “I don’t know.”
    Well, a 14-year-old is supposed to be self centered, self-absorbed and always right. That’s the developmental stage they’re passing through. And it’s never their fault because they’re finding their way in a complex world and developing a healthy and independent sense of self. So at 14, it’s still okay to think you know it all.
    The problem arises when we, as adults, fail to outgrow that stage. When the development of a healthy and independent self is surpassed by the unrestrained development of a malignant ego which causes us to think 1) that we are the center of the Universe and 2) whatever we don’t understand about that Universe is irrelevant. It’s this perspective that leads us to repeatedly and wantonly ignore the independent rights and sacred space of anything on the planet that we deem to be insignificant or immaterial to OUR existence. If it’s purpose or meaning for existence isn’t readily knowable and useful to us, then it’s okay to conclude that it must be expendable or inherently lacking in value.
    The appendix is just the latest example. We do it with “lesser” life forms, the environment and Mother Earth all the time. We use and abuse all that we’ve been gifted out of ignorance and our resistance to accepting the perfection and unity of All That Is.
    Everything and Everyone in our world is an integral part of an incomprehensible creative effort. But it’s only incomprehensible to us. That Which Created All That Is comprehends All That Is. The fact that at any given point in time we may not comprehend it is our limitation. The sooner we step up and acknowledge this fact, and behave accordingly, the sooner we are likely to live in harmony with All That Is.
    When I was a child I would bump into inanimate objects, like a table or chair and because I had trouble pronouncing the word “excuse” would say out loud “coobie chair” or “coobie table.” I did this for several years until the adults around me “corrected” me and I stopped.
    It’s many years later and my interests and studies have taken me full circle. There was no need for correction, after all. Everything and Everyone is made up of the same basic elements…simply vibrating at different rates of speed. The chair, the table, the spotted owl, the Muslim, the Sahara…all were deliberately created with a specific purpose. And when we fail to understand or respect the uniqueness of all, and thereby neglect or abuse our gifts, we need to say “coobie.”
    Coobie, appendix.

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