The New Reality

Its been an astonishing week for the Light…if you know what I mean. If not, keep reading anyway and you’ll understand by the time you finish the post.

Light1. The Federal Communicatons Commision (FCC) has backed off an intended study of American newsrooms that would have violated the First Amendment. They did so because Republican lawmakers and media personalities and groups reacted swiftly and forcefully to the intended intrusion.

2. Thousands of people flocked to Twitter and the hashtag “#FreeJustina” demanding that custody of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier be returned to her parents. Custody was taken from them when Boston Children’s Hospital and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families conspired to reverse a prior medical diagnosis of the child’s condition made at Tuft’s Hospital and substitute a psychiatric one in its place, denying the child any and all medical treatment.

3.  In Kiev, capital of Ukraine, a true revolution by the people overthrew the corrupt government, ousting the President, and now intending to implement justice and freedom modeled on a more European rather than Russian model.

4.  In Italy, Matteo Renzi, age 39, was elected as the youngest Prime Minister in the country’s history. He is politically center-Left and supports Israel, seeing Iran as the major problem in the Middle East.

5.  In Mexico City, authorities there captured the world’s most powerful drug lord, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. His organization is the leading supplier of cocaine in the U.S.

So now do you know why it was a great week for the Light?

We are living in extraordinary times. Most of us realize the almost daily advances and breakthroughs in technology. But how many of us are aware of the powerful and life-altering influx of Light upon the planet that has created a metaphysical platform for nothing short of revelation. I’m not talking religious revelation. I’m talking exposure of deceit, manipulation, enslavement and the use of fear as a tool for control.

The 5 events I mentioned in this post are escalating examples of 1) how powerful the individual is when aligned with like-minded poeple and 2) that those who have perpetuated deceit, manipulation and victimization will no longer be able to hide in the shadows. In the presence of the Light, all will be known and those who seek power at the expense of others will increasingly find their plans thwarted and their intentions exposed.

THIS is hope and change. Welcome to the new reality.

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