Reigniting Hope: A Survivor’s Guide

Carole speaks with certainty about one of the remaining taboos in public discourse. Using her own attempted suicide at age twenty-four as the basis for her understanding and insights, Carole holds nothing back in sharing what it is like to live with depression and how, unacknowledged and unaddressed, it too often leads to suicide.

Carole is fearless in sharing the intimate details of her own journey. Her honestly and compassion are undeniably uplifting. She seeks not only to educate people of all ages on the topics of depression and attempted suicide, but to reignite a passion for striving and succeeding in life for those in whom that passion has been interrupted and sidetracked by prior life experiences.

Her inherent empathic ability allows Carole to reach far beyond the limited circumstances that led to her attempt by finding common ground with the experiences of others, regardless of how different those experiences may be. Her approach and delivery reaches the hearts of her audience and not only lets them know she’s “been there”, but uncovers the hope that is still alive within each of us even if it has been buried under the rubble of depression and personal suffering.

Carole’s mission in sharing her story is to bring hope and renewed confidence to those who are suffering so they can know that the best part of their lives is ahead of them regardless of their past. Her story isn’t an academic exercise. It’s a heartfelt personal communion told with both passion and compassion. This is perhaps the reason for her success in profoundly connecting with and inspiring others.


Listen to Carole on national radio

Discounted speaking rates available for schools and the military.
Contact Carole for more information.


Carole has also presented to high school students on bullying, depression and suicide.
See the student feedback here.

Schedule Carole Goldstein to Speak